Former "Make Me a Supermodel" finalist Jasmine Lennard, 27, has hinted that she was paid to not reveal details about her affair with "The X Factor" executive producer Simon Cowell, 52. Lennard and Cowell had a fling in 2006, when he was still living with girlfriend Terri Seymour, who is a correspondent on celebrity news TV show "Extra." Cowell and Seymour broke up in 2008, after dating each other for six years.
Lennard is currently a contestant on the U.K.'s "Celebrity Big Brother," and she implied on the show that she is under a legal gag order to prevent her from spilling too much information about her relationship with Cowell. In the episode that aired on August 17, 2012, Lennard commented on Cowell: "I don’t have anything bad to say. That person was such a huge part of my life. I don’t want my life to be defined by it. The way the relationship has gone down in history is the complete opposite to how it went down.
"I had an affair with Simon Cowell and I do really want to talk about it ... Rich people get to keep secrets. They have the money to stop you and I just don’t think it’s fair. It pains me, it angers me, it really frustrates me."
The 2012 unauthorized biography "Sweet Revenge: The Intimate Life of Simon Cowell" described Cowell (who has never been married and does not have children) as someone who often cheats on his girlfriends but is able to remain friends with many of his ex-lovers. Cowell (who was interviewed for "Sweet Revenge" but gave up final approval of the book's content) and did not deny any of the claims made in "Sweet Revenge."
In 2011, Cowell (who rarely talks about his personal life in interviews) admitted to The Guardian that he has given hefty "palimony" settlements to multiple ex-lovers. The exes who have been paid off are believed to include Cowell's ex-fiancée Mezhgan Hussainy and Seymour, who both received mansions in Beverly Hills, California, as parting gifts from Cowell.
Lennard is a single mother to a 2-year-old son named Phoenix. The child's father is Lennard's ex-boyfriend Seth Binzer (also known as former Crazy Town singer Shifty Shellshock), an admitted cocaine addict who was featured on the now-cancelled reality shows "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House" in 2008 and 2009. In March 2012, 37-year-old Binzer was hospitalized after a reported drug binge of crack cocaine, GHB and pills.