Famous faces visiting Yuma newsroom

Celebrity guests have been visiting the newsroom lately, thanks to an employee with some big-name connections.

You've heard of these ladies. Their faces are famous. Many of you grew up wanting to be like them.

When they arrive, people rave about their dresses, shoes, and fantastic hairdos.

Have you figured out that their names are Barbie, Skipper and Stacey?

We've been having fun learning about Barbie (and the humans who collect these plastic pretties). It's amazing to hear about the evolution of the dolls' designs, what you can tell by the direction their hands, face, which models were given speech, etc. And all the back-stories about the dolls' histories and relationships are fascinating, too. (Barbie is from Wisconsin?)
These show-and-tell visits aren't going to end any time soon, either. I have a feeling that my friend's so-called home for wayward dollies has more residents than some small towns.